Dingo’s Animal Kingdom

With more than 200 species of plants and animals becoming extinct every day, there has never been a time in history when our natural world has needed us more. With more micro plastic in the oceans than stars in the milky way, the time has come for us all to take our own stand in preserving this beautiful planet and the amazing animals that we have the privilege of sharing it with.

As Senegalese conservationist Baba Dioum once said, “In the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. And we will understand only what we have been taught”.

With this in mind it has been a dream of mine for many decades to create a place, a sanctuary for animals, that we can use as a base to connect people with animals and to generate funds for wild conservation work. We have purchased a 20 hectare farm, had it fenced and cleared of alien invasive vegetation and are now currently in the process of purchasing over 500 indigenous trees to plant on the land, ahead of our build phase which we aim to start within the next 12 months.

Our 50/50 challenge is our first round of crowd funding where we are providing the opportunity for followers and supporters to join us in creating this land mark animal sanctuary here in Africa. We aim to raise $50 000 over the course of the next 50 days ending on the 1st of July 2021.

These funds will be used to fund the purchasing and planting of 500 indigenous trees which are critically important in creating varying bio diverse areas on the land as well as cover specialist fees associated with the Environmental Impact Assessment requirements.

An investor has also committed to releasing a further $200 000 for the initial stages of our physical build as soon as the $50 000 has been reached.

If you would like to partner with us please hit the DONATE button below and either make a PAYPAL payment or a BANK TRANSFER.

Many thanks


Donation Goal $50 000.

Dingo Animal Kingdom
FNB/Firstrand Bank
Acc: 62832236279
Branch: 250655
Cheque account


5 Msonti Rd
South Africa